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Psychoanalysis today…

The talking cure

“The analysis is not a never-ending process, but can, if the analyst has the required skill and patience be brought to a natural conclusion” Sandor Ferenczi.

Deciding to consult a “psychologist”, is not always an easy decision to take, taking this step is already the sign of a projection, because finding time to take care of oneself, ” to better get along with oneself” makes it possible not to be a passive spectator of one’s life anymore.

Psychoanalysis is a therapeutic act, it does not essentially attempt to prove, but to modify something… (Five psychoanalyses) S.Freud.

Psychoanalysis is a method of investigation of the inconscious and its formation : thanks to dream analysis, slips of the tongue and parapraxes (faulty acts) analysis, recollection and analysis of childhood memories, psychoanalytic method of free association and talking cure, the psychoanalysis unties gradually inhibitions, symptoms and anguish and definitively liberates us from all our psychic sufferings.

thanks to dream analysis, slips of the tongue and parapraxes (faulty acts) analysis, recollection and analysis of childhood memories, psychoanalytic method of free association and talking cure, the psychoanalysis unties gradually inhibitions, symptoms and anguish and definitively liberates us from all our psychic sufferings.

The psychoanalysis makes it possible for a being who suffers to solve the symptoms which prevent him/her from making progress and finding the place which he/she wishes in life. So, one starts psychoanalysis with a certain number of symptoms which make him/her suffer and one leaves it soothed, freed of the weight of his/her disorders. Whatever these symptoms can affect, mood (depression, melancholy,…), thoughts (doubt, rumination,…), food behavior (anorexia, bulimia,…), relations with the others (problems of couple,…) or oneself (lack of confidence in oneself,…), or even the body (psychosomatic disorders,…), the psychoanalysis will make it possible to get gradually to the end of them. It is a true transformation which leads to the acceptance of oneself, as you go along the discovery of the unconscious.

To favour the emergence of the unconscious process, psychoanalysis relies on a specific plan of action whose fundamental rule is free association. It consists of expressing one’s thoughts as they come in order to release the usual control and to let emerge the unconscious elements at the origin of the symptoms. It consists for the patient of saying whatever he/she has in mind, without omitting what can seem to him futile, inappropriate or even what no one wants to say because of the shame or modesty that these thoughts can generate. That’s how the unconscious will be heard and that the analyst will be able to work, with the tools of the psychoanalysis. These unconscious conflicts, which are not accessible otherwise, will then have the possibility to be solved.

In this way, psychoanalysis makes it possible to give again a meaning and a new mode of expression to unconscious thoughts and desires. Energy can circulate much more freely, the ties are loosened and pains become words.

In psychoanalysis, there is a therapeutic dimension for a subject, i.e. a calming of anguish or symptoms until their disappearance.

In psychoanalysis, the “psychanalysant” (name given to the person/ participant who starts a psychoanalysis) is initially in a face-to-face discussion, and at the proper time, he/she is laid on the couch and does not see the therapist. He or she does not need eyes contact anymore to back up his/her word. Eye contact is not needed anymore to back up his/her word. The “psychanalysant” is transformed by his/her desire of knowing about his/her own unconscious processes. His/her speech is not directly addressed to the therapist anymore. This one is put in a transferential position of psychoanalyst. He is here to support the participant and to direct the cure in the direction of a possibility for the participant to associate as freely as possible his/her thoughts on the way of a self-knowledge, of a self-discovery.

Psychoanalysis sessions in my office in Paris 18th:

  • The first meeting is informative and free
  • The analyst and the participant decide together the orientation of the work
  • The quality of analytical work and listening is active and integrative in the relation
  • The essential element is that the participant feels sufficiently at ease and with confidence to progress in his/her work
  • Weekly meetings
  • A session is forty-five minutes long
  • The fee for a session is established together

Psychoanalysis framework

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.”. Marcel Proust

The framework is the contract at the beginning of the analysis, it must be respected.
The regularity of the sessions is essential to the good progress of the analytical work, which can only evolve within trust and mutual respect.

  • The analyst and analyzed person will have defined the day, the hour, the payment of the sessions.
  • A missed session is owed, it can be replaced if the analyst were informed within reasonable time limits.
Psychanalyste Paris 18