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Welcome on the site of the psychoanalysis and group psychotherapy office.


The psychoanalysis or 

analytical psychotherapy is a search using talking to find the causes, for each of you, of your suffering, of the meaning of your life and the components of your identity.

The psychoanalyst listens to you and supports you in this research whose goal is to reach self-knowledge and the understanding of others and beyond that to reach a more satisfying existence as it better corresponds to your criteria.

It makes it possible to make up with yourself, to live better as you are happier, and more able of fulfilling your desires.

this research whose goal is to reach self-knowledge and the understanding of others and beyond that to reach a more satisfying existence as it better corresponds to your criteria.

It makes it possible to make up with yourself, to live better as you are happier, and more able of fulfilling your desires.

The psychoanalyst listens to you and supports you in this research whose goal is to reach self-knowledge and the understanding of others and beyond that to reach a more satisfying existence as it better corresponds to your criteria. It makes it possible to make up with yourself, to live better as you are happier, and more able of fulfilling your desires.
The emotional personal experience is at the heart of this analytical process. The psychoanalyst adapts the participant’s analytical work according to his/her structure of personality and as close as possible to each one’s reality in order to recognise ourself in our individuality, in other words in our uniqueness.

The psychoanalysis and analytical psychotherapy are methods of investigation of the unconscious and its formations.

My method of support is done without being limited to only one psychoanalytical orientation. It counts on personal enrichment, in the meeting of the dialogue between the different trends, between the various current orientationsand thus, in the fertility of the opposite confrontation to adapt more closely to each one’s intern reality.

By dream analysis, slips of the tongue and parapraxes (faulty acts) analysis, recollection and analysis of childhood memories, psychoanalytic method of free association and talking cure, the psychoanalysis unties gradually inhibitions, symptoms and anguish and definitively liberates us from all our psychic sufferings.

So an analysis does not have as a primary goal to remove a symptom but leads to the acquisition of a knowledge, of a new emotional experiment, which allow the disappearance of the symptom.

This suffering can be backed up on elements of daily life such as work, contacts with others, however friendly or love relationships, family relationship, professional ones, bereavements, illness and this list is not exhaustive… But this suffering can also be internal and diffuse, without any obvious point of reference in the life of a being, working in a dynamics of sabotage, more or less important, of a being’s life and desires.

I support you on this road which will allow you to know more about what makes you suffer and to get out of these psychologic sketches in which you are caught and which don’t suit you anymore.

Taking stock, regaining points of reference.

There is a time where one decides to go and see an analyst. A time to start a real work that leads “to the recovery of one’s powers to act effectively and enjoy the existence.” (Freud).

Within this framework, taking the time to see, the time to understand, the time to conclude.

Doing an analytical psychotherapy (face-to-face)

  • It is, above all, to make up one’s mind to face one’s personal difficulties and to commit oneself in a process of change to solve them. The aim is to go to the source of the patient’s psychical conflict using a face-to face dialogue, while helping him/her to face the sufferings whose he/she is the object in his/her everyday life. The analyst’s active attitude during the meeting expresses itself through an active dialogue with the participant…
  • The psychoanalytic psychotherapy aims at this right balance between the outcome of the first causes of the symptom and its soothing in daily life using an approach of supporting psychotherapy. It makes it possible to choose to grow up, to evolve and to blossom. But this is an experience that requires motivation, will, receptiveness and some efforts…. I support adults, couples, group therapy.

Learn more on analytical psychotherapy Psychoanalyst Paris 18th…

Committing oneself to do a psychoanalysis work (couch)

In psychoanalysis, there is a therapeutic dimension for a subject, i.e. a calming of the origin of the anguish or symptoms until their disappearance.

  • It is to endeavour to favour the deployment on the couch of his/her imaginary life, of his/her memories, in order to find possibilities of loosening the vice of the traumatic forces, to release himself/herself from the sufferings, constraints and inhibitions related to the vagaries of personal life story.
  • It is to develop capacities of free and autonomous choices in his/her personal and interpersonal life, linked to couple relationship, parenthood and occupation,…
  • The participant commits himself/ herself in a process of symbolisation and integration of the unconscious elements.

Learn more on psychoanalysis in Psychoanalyst Paris 18th…