State-certified psychotherapist
Group transactional analysis

State-certified psychotherapist
Group transactional analysis
Title of psychotherapist issued by the regional health agency (A.R.S) -Idf
ADELI number : 750032393
- Master 2 (research) in Psychoanalysis – Université Paul Valéry – Département de Psychanalyse – Montpellier 3.
- Diploma of access to the title of psychotherapist – Practical school of advances studies in psychopathologies (EPhEP) .
- University degrees in Pratical Addictology (D.U) – Médecine Sorbonne Université / APHP – Paris (in progress…).
Titles and certifications
- Transactionnal Analyst Certificate – CTA (Field of application : Psychotherapy), issued by the European Association for Transactional Analysis (EATA).
- European Certificate of Psychothérapy – CEP, issued by the European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP) and the French Federation of Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis (FF2P).
Membership and participation in research associations
Permanent supervision of my individual and group professional practice.
Member of the French Federation of Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis (FF2P).
Some lines about my practice of psychoanalysis et analytical psychotherapy :
« I’m using in my professional practice a psychoanalytic and integrative theoritical basis from several analytical trends and research (C. G. Jung, S. Freud, S. Ferenczi, D. Winnicott, M. Balint, F. Dolto, E. Berne entre autres) as well as some psychotherapeutic trends (psycho genealogy, transactional analysis, gestalt-therapy.
« I’m using in my professional practice a psychoanalytic and integrative theoritical basis from several analytical trends and research (C. G. Jung, S. Freud, S. Ferenczi, D. Winnicott, M. Balint, F. Dolto, E. Berne entre autres) as well as some psychotherapeutic trends (psycho genealogy, transactional analysis, gestalt-therapy.
My clinical, analytical and therapeutic practice is based on acceptance and commitment. My interventions are built on the exchanges and emotional feelings which are to my mind at the heart of all repairing and changing processes …, all in all of the personal growth.
Current clinical knowledge leads me to reconsider my analytical practice, and not to systematically resort to the use of the couch with all my patients. To my mind, when the time comes, I can propose it …, if the patient’s needs, structure and individuality lends to it.
I’m open-minded to a constant clinical research and a dialogue with other disciplines of the therapeutic and scientific field and highlight a cross-disciplinary approach.
My practice relies on a long and personal analytic work. Followed by a didactic and clinical analysis. A prerequisite which is imperative. The analyst, like the therapist, works before all as a full individual : this allows him/her a lively relation with the unconscious, emotions, body and above all, in relation with the other.”